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The Ten Most Effictive Ways to Treat Spider and Varicose Veins

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Varicose veins and spider veins are easy to spot and hard to ignore. With the bulging, veiny presence of varicose veins and the web-like blue mass of spider veins, men and women that suffer from either condition are often desperately searching for a quick way to treat them. While dealing with these vein issues may seem like a tough challenge, there are many solutions available to treat them. Depending on your body type, diet, and lifestyle, you may find that taking care of your varicose or spider veins is much simpler than you may have imagined.


Dealing with varicose and spider veins won’t necessarily require any invasive treatments. In most cases, these veins can be treated at home with simple remedies. It is, however, important for you to consult with a doctor before attempting to deal with your condition. For some people, treating these veins may require more than a simple change of lifestyle. If you are researching the best ways to treat varicose or spider veins, read on.

  1. Increase Your Level of Physical Activity

Becoming more active will help reduce the risk and appearance of varicose or spider veins. By trading in long periods of sitting and standing for a regular lifestyle of exercise– be it running, jogging, walking, or any other form of cardio– you may be able to prevent your vein issues from worsening and even work to get rid of them. Similarly, regularly elevating your legs may work to increase circulation throughout the legs. Consider this as you choose which workouts to add to your routine.

  1. Wearing Compression Stockings

Compression stockings can be worn all day to help keep consistent pressure throughout the legs. This will ensure that the blood flows regularly and efficiently through you the muscles and veins in your leg.

  1. Undergo Sclerotherapy

With Sclerotherapy, the doctor will inject your veins with a solution made to close and scar the veins. This solution will allow your superficial veins to shrink and fade away. When performed by a professional, sclerotherapy is very effective and typically can be completed in one visit to the doctor.

  1. Laser Surgery to Treat Veins

Laser technology is now being used to treat small superficial veins. With this surgery, doctors use bursts of light to fade the veins until they disappear. This surgery is quite effective and requires no needles or incisions.

  1. Procedures Using Catheters

These procedures use catheters to treat veins with laser energy or radiofrequency. The treatment uses a catheter inserted into a large vein. The tip of the tube is heated by laser or radiofrequency, When the catheter is pulled out, the heat effectively seals the vein shut, forcing it to collapse. Although this method is invasive, it is seen as the best treatment for larger varicose veins.

  1. Vein Stripping and High Ligation

In this process, the vein is tied off before joining a deep vein. Since the deeper veins are the ones vital to the circulatory system, removing the vein during this process won’t negatively affect the flow of blood to your legs.

  1. Ambulatory Phlebectomy

In the ambulatory phlebectomy, a doctor will remove the small varicose veins with small punctures in the skin. This procedure is very minimal and will result in little scarring.

  1. Endoscopic Surgery

This technique is usually reserved for patients that do not benefit from any of the other procedures. Typically, these patients have experienced leg ulcers due to their varicose veins. Through this surgery, the doctor inserts a video camera into the leg to identify and close of the veins. The veins are then removed through incisions in the leg.

  1. A New Diet

If you’re looking for a quick spider vein treatment, this may be it. This is likely the easiest at home remedy you can try to take care of your body as well as any issue you have with your superficial veins. Swelling of the legs has been linked to water retention, which is brought on by an overly salty diet. By cutting back on the sodium, you’ll be able to ensure your body is less liable to develop varicose veins.

  1. Changing Your Wardrobe

While your wardrobe may not be the sole cause of your issue with veins, it can definitely play a factor. Clothing that is especially tight around the groin, legs, or waist can reduce the amount of blood flow that is reaching your legs. This can directly affect the circulation from your legs to your heart, resulting in several medical complications.

It’s true that everyone may not experience the hassle of having to treat varicose veins or spider veins. However, if you are looking for a way to take care of and prevent your spider and varicose veins from returning, these ten tips and treatments may be your best option. Be sure to check with a medical professional before undergoing any invasive or outpatient procedures. Do make it a point to try out the at home remedies on your own to see if they work for you. Oftentimes, with a new diet and a little bit of exercise, your body, and legs, will be bouncing back in no time.

Reed Cooper

Reed Cooper is a Health & Fitness expert from USA. He completed his graduation from the Department of Health and Fitness from a reputed University. He loves to help people to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals through his Blogging. He has good experience about Gym, Hunting, Shooting, and Tactical products. Click here for more details. Twitter: Reed Cooper Facebook: Reed Cooper

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