How to Remove Pubic Hair at Home without Pain – Tips By Expert Beautician

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How to Remove Pubic Hair at Home without Pain

People have different opinions on the removal of pubic hair. Again, a big number of them agree that they will remove the pubic hair are further divided among the processes. Some prefer to follow the traditional methods of trimming or shaving the hair, some go for salon or parlor and some rely on the homemade paste to apply on the hair to remove.

The purpose of this article is to suggest some pubic hair removal techniques without pain or with the least pain. So, medical treatments and some of the methods that are applied in the salons are excluded here.

Here is a glance at some of the homemade paste therapies and traditional methods.

Remove Pubic Hair By Homemade Paste

Remove Pubic Hair By Homemade Paste

  • Sugars

Sugar can be a handy homemade tool to clean the hair in the pubic area. To make the paste, mix sugar, water and lemon juice in a pot at 10:1:1 ratio. Then mix it well and heat it until all of this turns into a uniformly thick paste. After the paste is made, it can be applied to the pubic area and pulled with waxing strips. It cleans the pubic area with almost no pain.

  • Lemon and Sugar

Here is another recipe of lemon and sugar. In this case, sugar, lemon juice, turmeric and water are mixed at a ratio of 2:2:1:10. This mixture is now ready to apply and scrub on the pubic area. It can be cleaned by water after 15 or 20 minutes of applying. Using it thrice a week can reduce growing pubic here rapidly.

  • Baking Soda

Baking soda with water is a very effective way in removing unwanted hair. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a cup of water. Once it is boiled,  add some more baking soda. Mix it well to make the paste and apply on the pubic area with the help of cotton. Once the paste is dried, remove it with slight hot water. You can easily get rid of pubic hair by using this method twice a month.

  • Honey and Lemon Juice

Honey is also effective in the removal of pubic hair. Add a few drops of lemon juice to two tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture and rub in the same direction of the growth of hair. After about 20 minutes or so, when the mixture is dried, rinse off the mixture properly. The ideal way is to apply this not more than twice a week.

  • Banana and Oatmeal

In this case, banana is used so that the skin softens and oatmeal plays the role of a natural cleanser. Mix one average sized banana with two teaspoons of oatmeal. Then rub this mixture on the hair gently. As the roots of the hair are weakened, it gradually starts to remove the hair.

  • Gram Flour

Gram flour can also be useful for removing hair in private parts as it has an anti-inflammatory property. To apply it properly, first mix it with salty water. The process of applying is basic. Just put the paste on the area and leave for a while will be sufficient. To have a good result, it is recommended to use this more than twice a week.

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Remove Pubic Hair By Traditional Methods

Remove Pubic Hair By Traditional Methods

  • Shaving

Shaving is probably one of the most common hair removal processes at home. It is indeed, one of the easiest ways to remove hair as it can be conducted just with the help of a clean razor and some cream or gel. Shaving is generally considered painless, but it involves a high risk of cutting sensitive areas and introducing bacteria. So, you need to be cautious while shaving.

  • Plucking

Plucking is also referred to as tweezing. This one is probably the most painful process mentioned here. However, it needs lesser time than shaving. It also requires less material although you need to be cautious here as well. Otherwise, you can injure your skin, which can lead to infection.

  • Trimming

Trimming is generally done with scissors. It involves fewer risks than the other two methods mentioned above, as scissors do not appear in direct contact of the skin. Take a scissor and carefully trim the hairs.

  • Depilatories or Cream Hair Removers

This method is also painless, but it is to be considered that all the depilatories are safe to use on the vulva or ‘bikini line’. It is advised to consult a doctor first before start using men’s hair removal cream. The allowed duration to apply on the skin also needs to be aware of. Leaving the cream on the skin longer than the required time can lead to different kinds of skin diseases.

If you start to apply any of those creams without the consultation of the doctor, rash, redness and swelling may happen. Even sometimes using it after consulting a doctor may result in the same. In such cases, contact your doctor immediately.

  • Waxing

This method is quite similar to plucking. Apply warm liquid wax over the pubic area. After applying, put a cloth-like sheet on that immediately, before the wax hardens. After about two seconds when the wax is hard, pull the material up. Though it is similar to plucking, it causes much pain. At the same time, it is more effective. After applying this method, you’ll see that hair doesn’t grow again immediately. It is recommended not to shave before waxing.

Choosing the Best Method to Remove Pubic Hair

For those who have sensitive skin, it is best to avoid waxing, plucking and depilatories. These methods might be too harsh for the skin and cause long-term damage. Trimming or carefully shaving would be the best option for them.

People with dark skin should see a specialist for treatments that are suited for the melanin level. Methods that do not suit will cause trouble later.

Finally, which method you follow, will only be your choice. However, never forget to follow safety guidelines when shaving pubic hair. Use a hand mirror, and never do such things in a rush, just the way you came to this point while reading.

How to Remove Pubic Hair at Home without Pain

Reed Cooper

Reed Cooper is a Health & Fitness expert from USA. He completed his graduation from the Department of Health and Fitness from a reputed University. He loves to help people to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals through his Blogging. He has good experience about Gym, Hunting, Shooting, and Tactical products. Click here for more details. Twitter: Reed Cooper Facebook: Reed Cooper

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